How to Build a Log Cabin the Right Way

...and Avoid the 3 Biggest Mistakes Everyone Makes When Building a Log Home!

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Forget the kit

Log home kits are expensive and suffer from design flaws that cause maintenance issues later on. LHBA members build low-maintenance log homes that last a lifetime and can be passed on to future generations. Our members build with the trees they have on site, or logs they get locally for free (or inexpensively).

Do it mortgage-free

LHBA members build houses that meet code for surprisingly low costs by using surplus materials, getting free logs from government forests and private landowners, by doing things themselves and by recycling used materials. Our members have built 3 bedroom log homes for as low as $25,000.

No experience necessary

Our students usually start with either a passion for log homes or debt free living and then we help them become successful owner builders. The average person is very capable of building their own log home, even without previous construction experience. Our step-by-step videos and support will help you the rest of the way.

Recession proof

The best way to survive a recession is to not have a mortgage payment. That frees up a big chunk of your family budget, leaving more cash in your pocket.  It makes you better prepared to face a market crash, inflation or job insecurity.  As our founder Skip Ellsworth said, "If you think building a log home is hard, try paying off a 30 year mortgage!"

"We are now mortgage free!!!"

"Building this house has been the time of our life!! We would really like to thank LHBA for all that they did to help us achieve this amazing feat...

We are now mortgage free!!! Wow what a feeling. I never imagined that it could be done the way we did it, Mortgage free that is... 2 years ago when we signed up for the LHBA class I never even thought that 2 years later I would be typing this in my beautiful mortgage free home...

Thank you LHBA!!!"

Steve & Gretchen Bradbury & Family

"I never picked up a hammer before"

"I had never picked up a hammer before I took the LHBA class. Then I built this log home myself."

Larry Kapin, WA

Total build cost: $40k